APRIL 2017
cancer; Nirmala is not able to walk and Suresh is
very weak.
28 came to the Lord. All Glory to Him!
Yankappa was healed from paralysis and Iramma
was healed from chronic pain.
Swathi's 2 year old girl baby underwent bypass
surgery successfully.
Sudha and Parvati were delivered from evil spirit.
10 ESAP (Every Street A Prayer Cell) cells were
started in Rajahmundry.
200 students were blessed in 'Prayer for Exams' in 3
The 'Missionary Revival Meetings' organized by
the Pastors and leaders of Bhadrachalam was a
blessing to 200 people. Missionary Jason and Saroj
shared the Word. The new book, 'Heart Cry of God'
was dedicated in Telugu for the glory of God.
Missionary Samuel joined hands with Angel on the
1st of February at Athili near Rajahmundry.
'Staff Study Programme' was conducted in Nadiad
in which 18 missionaries were trained.
12 participated in a 'Girls' Meet' organized on the
eve of Valentine's Day.
1000 people were treated in a special medical camp
organized by Medivision in our field.
For Healing - Jyotsna to be healed from oral
For healings Shivappa (T.B); Pakirappa (HIV+);
Gouramma (Mental Illness); Kasturi (Kidney
stone) and Vaishanvi (Fits).
Ashok, Mohan, Pitu and Mallu to be delivered
from alcoholic addiction.
Roshan's father was healed from Cancer after
prayers; Nodi was healed from Pneumonia; Ashok
was healed from Jaundice, after which he came to
the Lord; our Katni partner Mr. Gladwin's head
injury is healed completely; Ludikibai and their
family believed in the Lord after experiencing
miraculous healing. Praise God.
God delivered Ram and Jyoti from evil spirits.
Kamlesh has come back to the Lord.
70 new contacts were established. 3 new villages
were visited. 5 were added to His Kingdom.
100 students participated in the 'Exam-Goers Meet'
held at Katni.
Marriages for our believers- Sukreem, Bhupendar,
Virendar and Savitha have been arranged.
For Healing Laxmi, Maya and Prem (Cancer);
Sonam (Eye problem); Sakuntala (Paralysis) and
Purthi (Kidney failure).
Bharathi, Savitha, Pinki, Sangitha, Priyanka,
Kiranthi, Swetha, Karath, Sheela are childless. Pray
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