BYM ONLINE DESK April 2017 | Page 16

APRIL 2017
Word a living power in our hearts and lives . Read Psalm 119 . Notice how earnestly the psalmist prays that God will teach him , and open his eyes , and give him understanding , and incline his heart to God ' s ways . As you read , remember that God ' s Word and God ' s Spirit are inseparable .
Read with the firm purpose of keeping the Word day and night in your heart and in your life .
The whole heart and the whole life must come under the influence of the Word . Psalmist said : “ O how love I Your law ! it is my meditation all the day ” ( Psalm 119:97 ). And so in the midst of his daily work , the believer can cherish God ' s Word in his heart , and meditate on it . Read Psalm 119 again , until you accept God ' s Word with all your heart , and pray that God may teach you to understand it , and to carry out its precepts in your life .
The Word and Prayer “ Quicken me , O Lord , according unto Thy
Word ” ( Psalm 119:107 ).
Prayer and the Word of God are inseparable , and should always go together in the quiet time of the inner chamber . In His Word , God speaks to me ; in prayer I speak to
God . If there is to be true fellowship , God and I must both take part . If I simply pray , without using God ' s Word , I am apt to use my own words and thoughts . When I take God ' s thoughts from His Word , and present them before Him , this really gives prayer its power . Then I am enabled to pray according to God ' s Word . How indispensable God ' s Word is for all true prayer !
When I pray , I must seek to know God aright . It is through the Word that the Holy Spirit gives me right thoughts of Him . The Word will also teach me how wretched and sinful I am . It reveals to me all the wonders that God will do for me , and the strength He will give me to do His will . The Word teaches me how to pray with strong desire , with a firm faith , and with constant perseverance . The Word teaches me not only what I am , but what I may become through God ' s grace . And above all , it reminds me each day that Christ is the great Intercessor , and allows me to pray in His Name .
O Christian , learn this great lesson , to renew your strength each day in God ' s Word , and so pray according to His will .
Then we turn to the other side prayer . We need prayer when we read God ' s Word prayer to be taught of God to understand His Word , prayer that through the Holy Spirit I may rightly know and use God ' s Word prayer that I may see in the Word that Christ is all in all , and will be all in me .
Blessed inner chamber , where I may approach God in Christ through the Word and prayer . There I may offer myself to God and His service , and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit , so that His love may be shed abroad in my heart and I may daily walk in that love .
( Taken from God ' s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray .)
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