Buzzed Magazine I | Page 9

Last suggestion, keep drinking and get over it. It’s NYC after all of course it’s going to be crowded. If the other recommendations do not work for you, you may be a bit of an uptight person or you simply do not enjoy the club scene. This is the perfect opportunity to either try to chill out or learn to always say no to clubs and yes to bars.

On a more serious note, the most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with crowds is to be aware of your surroundings and exits. It is always helpful to know the layout of the location in case of an emergency in a dark unfamiliar place.

So you are the only one who thinks leaving is a good idea? Fine, you will just have to make the best of the situation. Spot out a different location and try to make your way over there. Sometimes just by changing where you stand can make the crowds a bit better. If you have to stand close to strangers, they might as well be strangers you can tolerate listening to. Who knows, you may even meet your next roommate (it has happened before)!

If the location change does not help, make an attempt to at least enjoy the music! Become so consumed with the lyrics and base you don’t have attention left to notice the crowdedness. Start singing and dancing and see the difference in your mood. This night might actually turn out to be fun!