Buzzed Magazine I | Page 6


Transparent prices are making it more affordable than ever to navigate around New York. Uber finally got the hint to switch out the surge prices for transparent ones. Uber’s prices will still fluctuate with demand, but at least now there will be no unpleasant surprises when you get the bill.

Before transparent pricing was a thing, people used to request an Uber completely unaware of how much it will end up costing. The company had your credit card information and basically charged anything they wanted otherwise known as surge pricing. Surge pricing was their old way for you to estimate how much it would cost by asking you to agree to the “5x” surge or whatever ridiculous amount they were up charging at the moment.

Uber appears to be the better option as opposed to watching the yellow cab’s meter go up the entire time. Those red lights always seem to take forever. However, don’t hate on yellow cabs just yet, sometimes they are in fact the less expensive option.