Robert Bowman chats to Buzz about his starring role in Diary Of A Madman .
Robert Bowman chats to Buzz about his starring role in Diary Of A Madman .
Q & A
This isn ’ t the first time you ’ ve toured Diary Of A Madman , what inspired you to revive the production ? We were going to be doing a longer tour of it last autumn , but various factors meant we had to postpone it . So , this is something we ’ d always planned to do , but it ’ s just taken us a while . It ’ s also a project we wanted to keep chipping away at , trying new things . For instance , we ’ ve created a new set design and staging for this version . We ’ re also keen to keep exploring the techniques of Michael Chekhov . They ’ re so rich you could spend a lifetime working with them .
What first attracted you to Gogol ’ s original short story ? I first saw a lovely production of it at the Focus Theatre in Dublin . I was really captivated by it . The performer was an Irish actor who had spent time in New York and had , while at a party out there , been accidentally hit by a gun shot in the spine , which meant he was confined to a wheel chair . I remember being totally taken in by the performance . That was back in the late 80s and the story has been with me ever since . Just in terms of the story itself , I was stuck by the cruelty and lack of understanding shown towards ‘ madness ’ that was revealed in the story . We have most definitely moved on in terms of our understanding and treatment of psychosis , but the brain and what makes people do what they do will still be a subject of study for us for years to come .
It ’ s a one man show , so everything falls on you . How do you deal with this pressure ? Well in a way , it ’ s not just me . Everyone becomes a partner in a way ; the director , the lighting designer , the composer . All these elements become much more present when doing a one-person show . But yes , when it starts it is up to me , but there is also a freedom in that . For instance , if you mess up , generally , it ’ s just you and so it ’ s easier for you to improvise your way out of it , unless of course it ’ s a lighting or sound cue ! But what is great is , once you ’ re on the journey , you can ’ t get off !
“ I hope they ’ ll find it a fun , inventive , moving and truthful rendition of this story ”
HAIRSPRAY Wales Millennium Centre , Cardiff Bay Tue 18-Sat 29 June Tickets : £ 18- £ 45 Info : 029 2063 6464 www . wmc . org . uk
THE WELSH PROMS 2013 St David ’ s Hall , Cardiff Sat 20-Sat 27 Jul Tickets : events priced separately Info : 029 2087 8444 www . stdavidshallcardiff . co . uk
GREEN MAN Thurs 15-Sun 18 Aug Glanusk Park , Powys Tickets : £ 75- £ 145 Info : 08448 889991 www . greenman . net
FESTIVAL NO . 6 Fri 13-Sun 15 Sept Portmeirion , north Wales Tickets : £ 85- £ 180 Info : 08448 889991 www . festivalnumber6 . com
BONOBO Cardiff University Students
Sat 5 Oct Tickets : £ 14.50 Info : 029 2078 1458 www . millenniumstadium . com
TOM ODELL Cardiff University Students
Sat 12 Oct Tickets : £ 12 Info : 029 2078 1458 www . cardiffstudents . com
What can audiences expect from the production ? I hope they ’ ll find it a fun , inventive , moving and truthful rendition of this story .
Read our preview of Diary Of A Madman on p44 . Info : 029 2064 6900 / www . shermancymru . co . uk