At 66 , Felix Dennis still has it . Having made his fortune as a magazine publishing magnate , a business which he ’ s still involved with today , the 21st century has seen him become one of Britain ’ s best-loved poets . The second half of 2013 finds him taking on his biggest poetry tour , with over 30 dates across the UK scribbled in his diary . Since this throat-cancer diagnosis in January 2012 , Dennis has found strength in his work and now stands for all that is inspirational . His Cut-Throat Tour , offering gallows humour from the outset , promises to offer an emotionally charged performance , in which his striking style is apparent , and not unlike a “ summer breeze ”. Not our words , but those of Sir Paul McCartney . Dennis ’ first collection of poetry , A Glass Half Full , was published in November of 2002 , and has since become one of the fastest selling books of original verse for years . This success was followed by Dennis ’ s infamous Did I Mention the Free Wine ? poetry reading tour . It would be fair to say that Dennis has endured his fair share of trials and tribulations , repeatedly fighting against his Herculean taste for booze and drugs , but his work remains colourful and compelling . His refreshingly charming approach to life – “ If I did it , you can do it ” – feeds into his every decision and action . His appearance in Cardiff Bay ’ s Glee Club marks the launch of his seventh book of verse , Love Of A Kind , and promises top quality entertainment . Oh , and did I mention that there ’ s free wine ? pg 50 pg 52 pg 53 pg 60 pg 65
CONTENTS art clubs events live stage
Inclusion in Buzz ’ s listings is free . Send to Listings Editor Noel Gardner via email ( listings @ buzzmag . co . uk ) or post ( Suite 3 , Castle House , 1-7 Castle Street , Cardiff CF10 1BS ). Deadline is the 17th of the previous month . Buzz takes no responsibility for material sent or any errors made after the deadline time .
Glee Club , Cardiff Bay , Mon 8 July Tickets : £ 20 /£ 10 NUS . Info : 08714720400 / www . glee . co . uk
At 66 , Felix Dennis still has it . Having made his fortune as a magazine publishing magnate , a business which he ’ s still involved with today , the 21st century has seen him become one of Britain ’ s best-loved poets . The second half of 2013 finds him taking on his biggest poetry tour , with over 30 dates across the UK scribbled in his diary . Since this throat-cancer diagnosis in January 2012 , Dennis has found strength in his work and now stands for all that is inspirational . His Cut-Throat Tour , offering gallows humour from the outset , promises to offer an emotionally charged performance , in which his striking style is apparent , and not unlike a “ summer breeze ”. Not our words , but those of Sir Paul McCartney . Dennis ’ first collection of poetry , A Glass Half Full , was published in November of 2002 , and has since become one of the fastest selling books of original verse for years . This success was followed by Dennis ’ s infamous Did I Mention the Free Wine ? poetry reading tour . It would be fair to say that Dennis has endured his fair share of trials and tribulations , repeatedly fighting against his Herculean taste for booze and drugs , but his work remains colourful and compelling . His refreshingly charming approach to life – “ If I did it , you can do it ” – feeds into his every decision and action . His appearance in Cardiff Bay ’ s Glee Club marks the launch of his seventh book of verse , Love Of A Kind , and promises top quality entertainment . Oh , and did I mention that there ’ s free wine ? pg 50 pg 52 pg 53 pg 60 pg 65
CONTENTS art clubs events live stage