Buzz Magazine Dec/Jan 2013/14 | Page 7

SHEDDING LIGHT ON EDWARD ACZEL COMEDY Award-winning performer Edward Aczel, described by The Guardian as “Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian”, has been equally confusing and delighting his audiences since 2005. This December he returns to Cardiff’s Chapter Arts Centre with a new show about giving up showbiz and finding meaning in a meaningless universe. In Edward Aczel: Lives In A Meaningless Shed the 46-year-old comedian makes people laugh without even saying a joke. The master of anti-comedy makes the apparently unskilled into an art and hilariously takes the audience through the lifelong hunt for meaning. His soul-searching is taking him from the green hills of Middle England, to conversations between his emotional and rational selves. The show, which has sold out at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013 and Soho Theatre London, is an hour of awkwardness and hesitancy which, for some reason, works very well. VS Edward Aczel: Lives In A Meaningless Shed, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Sat 14 Dec. Tickets: £6-£8. Info: 029 2030 4400 / FEEL THE BURNS The Royal Welsh College Of Music And Drama is once again hosting a Burns Night in Januar H[??[X??][??H?\???H???\??]??\??\???]?[?HZ?[??X?H[?B?X??\?X?[HX??Z[YY?H??]??\?[[???]]?[\B???Y\??\?H][?Y\??[?HX?H?[???H?X?][??]\?X????[??]?K????Y?HH???????\??Z[Y ?HY[?B???\??H?Y][?[YX[?Y??\? ??Y?]\?X[?[\??]]?JKB?\???X?[??\?][?]HX[?[\?[?H??H]H?[K??[Y[KY?\???HY??\? H[????H?H?H[?\?K?]?]\?[??[H???HY[?JK?\?X?\[???[[??HX?B??[??H??H?[?Y\???[\H?]??\?]\??X?\?H\?[???]H?\??X[?[??^H????[?[H[H?Y?Z[??]???YH[?H?\??K?S???UT?P??X?R?SSRS?????X[?[???Y?H?]\?X?[??[XK?\?Y????H ??[???X??]?0??K?[??? ?H ? ?H L?LH ???˜???Y ?X?Z????RQ????B?H??x?&T?S?U??U?S???H??[?[??[??][?[ ?H?H?^H]?[??[?H??H?[\[???[[?\??[?H]?\????X?X??\??H\?[? ???[Y\??\??[???[??Y?[???[?H][?[???[?[X??]HH?X??\??[?YX\???[??? ?H]?[? ?X?[??Y\???YH?\???\???[\[??]?X???]?\?[?H??\?\???\??[?H[??Z[?[????]?HY?X??\??[?B??[[?[H???\[?HZ[??YH?[??][?[ ?H?X?[????\]][?\?[H?\?YX\??]H?^?H[?^H?Z[??[??X\?Y?H??[??0??L ????Y??]H^H\?H?[?H?]?[??X?\?\??[\???YH^?[[??[\[??[?H?\?Y]H?[?\?Z[?Y[?[??Y[???[??[??\???X?\?[?Y[K?\?x?&\?]?[?H??[?]H?]?HH?YZ?H???]H?^?][????K???[?[??[??][?[ ?\????X?X??\??K?] ?X??X??]?0?? p???K?[??? L?LH ????? ?????\???\?X?X??\??K???Z??X?S???SQT?B???V?? ??