Buzz Magazine April 2014 | Page 4

roundup WHAT’S ON OUR RADAR THIS MONTH. EVENT BRIEFLY NETBALL HITS THE COURT this month as the FIAT Netball Superleague gets into full swing. Both taking place at the Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff you can watch the Celtic Dragons take on the Yorkshire Jets on Mon 7 and the inventively named Team Bath on Sat 12. Tickets: £10/£5 kids. Info: • BLOOMING MARVELLOUS After winter the trees are relieved and so is the Royal Horticultural Society. After a cold, wet winter they’ve had a bit of sun and the society’s beautiful plants and flowers will be ready just in time for ithe 10th annual Cardiff Flower Show. It’s a midsummer night’s dream as Bute Park is transformed by a myriad of colourful plants, presented by some of Britain’s best gardeners in the Floral Marquee. Enthusiasts will also be given the chance to walk around the gold medal-winning Show Gardens. With the chance to get advice from RHS’s deep-rooted experts, and even pot some plants yourself, thistle do nicely for any hands-on, or budding gardeners. A good gardening tip: check out our comeptitions on the back page. JN RHS Flower Show, Bute Park, Cardiff, Fri 11-Sun 13 Apr. Tickets: £7.50-£11. Info: THE TROY BOYZ STAGE The Troy Boyz are an urban dance, music and percussion performance group that create modern interpretations of classical literature. Young people (though the name Tr