Buying Marketing | Page 49







Social media showcases a large quantity of the technological factor, with my age range social media is a big influence, this means it will affect my business in a positive way. I use social to connect with my consumers with Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts. On my website, the check out will be innovative because it will have many payments avaialable, including PayPal, credit cards as well as in store at the pop up shop, there will be digital touch to pay for the products.

There are legal rights in every business, my business has working hours of 9am to 5 pm Monday to Friday as well as many bathroom breaks as the colleagues need. If there is a tight deadline, we may agree to stay longer however that is a group decision made from the team. The minimum wage in the UK is £7.50, my colleague work int he UK, this means they will be earning around this much, most definitely not any less. However within the fashion industry they are guaranteed more.

Having a brand that has products made in Britain benefits carbon footprint, quality as well as ethical trade. By using cow leather, it showcases it is biodegradable and it can also be vegetable naturally dyed which does not affect the water system in the UK.