especially the fifth wave technology have been affected the different kinds of business industries. One of the very simple example from this is the newspaper industry, 10 years before, the industry of newspaper is increasing rapidly. However, when the technology and the internet improves, people used to read news through their laptop, computers, and now even in their tablets and phones. That is why many newspaper industries are now being bankrupt because of the fifth wave technology. But the innovation of technology have a lot of positive effects, in fact, the fifth wave technology has a lot of advantages both to different kinds of business industries and to the community. Even in terms of transportation, there are specific cumulative waves of transport development. The fifth wave in transport systems are the airports and the containerships. During the late 1950’s, jet services have been introduced because of this innovation, global mobility systems advance wherein different kinds of locations can be accessible within hours. (Rodrigue, et al, 2013). As of now, through the help of the fifth wave technology innovation, there are several airport terminals around the world wherein people were able to reach destinations in the fastest way. On the other hand, containership which is part of the maritime mode of transportation is also evolving. Nowadays, bulk shipping becomes one of the fastest ways why our global commercial relations has been innovating and improving. The trade and freight transportation is now a global distribution system with the help of the fifth wave technology innovation of transportation modes. In my own opinion, the timeframe of the fifth wave which is 1990- 2020 is appropriate based on the changes happened for over 20 years. As we all know, new methods of communication such as social media and the invention of smartphones and other gadgets improve the way we communicate now. Other improvements in different industries have been already developed wherein through the use of the technology, business industries were able to work and move in the fastest way. And I think to start in the year 2020, we should expect more improvement, development, and innovation.