BUSN 115 help Making Decisions/uophelp.com BUSN 115 help Making Decisions/uophelp.com | Page 37
Strategic alliances
Global franchises
Joint ventures
Strategic mergers
Incorporated partnerships
Question 10.10. (TCO 3) Entrepreneurship has become the new way of
doing business in our world. With economies in decline and
organizations downsizing and the lack of opportunities that satisfy,
entrepreneurship has been born. Entrepreneurship involves (Points : 5)
bringing in compelling ideas.
helping small businesses achieve more.
providing the platform for launching companies that grow to be
quite large.
All of the above
Question 11.11. (TCO 4) Which of the following pairs represent an
advantage and a disadvantage of marketing to a mobile phone rather
than a fixed computer? (Points : 5)
Mobile phone users are accustomed to advertising interruptions
while fixed computers have limited links to retailer websites.
The mobile phone is operating most of the time, but the
interactivity is less than a fixed computer.
The screen size of fixed computers is larger, but screen enlargement
overcomes that limitation in mobile phones.
Fixed computers can provide advertising based on where you
happen to be while mobile phone advertisements are limited to product
Question 12.12. (TCO 4) The rapid spread of brand communities has
been one of the major impacts of social media. The Harley Davidson
Owners Group is one example of an informal network of people with