Fiona MacNeill is one of the Founding Directors of a
People and Organisational Development Consultancy
based in Glasgow
I am delighted to have been invited to bring you
some of my reflections on leading a business for
22 years. This first article sets the scene about us
and who were are, especially reflecting on our fluid
structure and our values.
Our marketing plan: make the best use of every
naturally occurring opportunity and deliver more
every time.
Our people plan: work only with people we trust
and trust them to deliver for us and the customer.
No papers, no contracts, no strategic documents –
not then and not now. Deeply held shared values,
friendship, challenge, and an insatiable hunger for
learning is how we started and that is the glue that
has held us together for 22 years.
In the beginning…
FMA was formed by five friends in October 1996
with another friend and key associate joining the
business in February 1997. Three of these people
are still at the heart of the business 22 years later.
We are often asked how this came about. It wasn’t
some big strategic plan but more of a response
to opportunity, desire and belief. The opportunity
arose when accommodation became available in a
beautiful Victorian villa in the south side of Glasgow.
The desire was to work together, do good work and
make a difference, and the belief from David (my
husband and Co-Founding Director) that I had the
capacity and capability to lead a team and bring
business through the door. David picked up the tab
for the rent for the first six months and we put £1,500
each in a metaphorical jam jar and got started.
These were and are our guiding principles
We had and have a strong desire to stay small,
unique, and not over complicate our work with
unnecessary business processes. These principles
have served us well on the roller coaster ride that is
owning and leading a business. Shared Values
FMA’s values are our compass for the route
forward. It may feel simplistic in the complex world
of business but we have always stood by the belief
that if it doesn’t feel right then it’s probably not right.
FMA’s values are the DNA of the business, inside
and out. This doesn’t just mean through connectivity
and friendship, it also means tough conversations,
significant learning from mistakes and successes
with a tenacity to do well even when the going gets
tough. This is easy when we work well together
to deliver inspirational learning to individuals and
teams and across organisations. Centrally this is still
the right thing in times of significant challenges with
customer organisations and internal change. The
decisions have sometimes lost us business, but
have always allowed us to retain our business and
personal integrity.
Our business plan: get business, do well, make a
difference and get repeat business. Fiona MacNeill Associates
T: 0141 429 8750 [email protected]