“The support of the Coastal Bend Home Builders Associ-
ation, and other community partners, ensures thousands
of children in our community access to the Lemonade
Day Program,” said Yvette Lara, Executive Director for the
United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
“Children who participate in Lemonade Day are offered a
unique opportunity to literally change the trajectories of
their young lives. We are thrilled to partner with the Coast-
al Bend Home Builders Association as we take this estab-
lished community program to the next level.”
Additions to this year's program include: an exciting col-
laboration between the Coastal Bend Home Builders
Association (CBHBA) and the Boys and Girls Club of the
Coastal Bend for a Lemonade Stand Build Day on April 21;
the debut of the Lemonade Day Coastal Bend Float in the
Buc Days Illuminated Parade on May 5; and an extension
of Lemonade Day in partnership with the CBHBA where
through a special contest, several kids will be selected to
operate their lemonade stands at one of the homes fea-
tured in the Parade of Homes on June 2.
Thank you to our current Lemonade Day Coastal Bend
Sponsors! Presenting: Coastal Bend Home Builders As-
sociation Parade of Homes. Big Squeeze: H-E-B; Ever-
est Water; La P