customers, it is beneficial
to put your image on your
card. This gives you the ability to “be there”, when apart,
comforting your customers.”
Your logo is a graphic that
represents your brand, if you
designed it to be a brand
(you did purposefully design
it to be a brand, right?!) It
should contain your colors,
and represent all the aspects
of your business. Patterns
and textures bring feel and
personality. The best images are ones that make great
conversation starters, images people see and just have
to hang on to.
3. Don’t Stop
Turn your favorite card over
and see what’s on the back.
Many business cards use
the back of their card for
lists (products, services, etc.)
Consider this: 90% of all business cards get handed out,
looked at, and then thrown
away. Wouldn’t it be more
productive to put something
on the back of your card
that customers could use all
year? We love adding value
to cards by putting the current year’s calendar on the
back of every business card
- so our customers don’t just
throw it away when they get
back to the office.
When the next year comes
around, create a new card
with a great new theme, new
calendar, and send them off
to all the people that loved
your card from the year before. Remember any company can create a calendar to
hang on their wall, but only
you will have given them one
they carry with them all year
Why not add cut corners to
your business card? Just a
little something extra to set
you apart from the rest.
The perfect impression of
you and your business is like
4. The Frosting on
a really good magic trick.
the Cake
Present the perfect sensation, a great presentation,
Once you have created the and be remembered above
perfect business card, a cor- the rest.
nerstone to your marketing
tool box, make sure you get
the best printing job. This
does not need to be expensive, but make sure you are
getting 14pt card-stock, not
just any card-stock. On top
of your 14pt card-stock, have See more Business Cards at:
your printer add UV gloss.
This gives you an extra thick
and sturdy card that will last
long enough for your customers to get great use out
of their current year calendar.