This principle is constantly in force in each
of our lives. Whether we recognize it or not,
this principle is a major determining factor
in our success in every endeavor. The goal of
this article is to help us each to recognize this
principle and discover how to put this formidable force to work for us rather than against
Wise men throughout the ages recognized
and taught this principle. Almost all of today’s best-known motivators and personal
development gurus have integrated this
principle into their teachings, although they
call it by different names. Confucius taught,
“It does not matter how slowly you go as
long as you do not stop.” Earl Nightingale, a
forerunner of today’s personal development
movement, in his all-time best-selling audio
recording, The Strangest Secret, stated,
“One day at a time, handled
successful, will carry you over
every hurdle. It will solve every
problem. You can relax in the
happy knowledge that successful tasks make successful days,
which, in turn, build a successful
I’ve been fortunate enough to have attended multiple lectures and speeches by some
of the most renowned experts on health in
America today, including Lindsay Duncan
ND., Dr. Myron Wentz, Dr. Raymond Francis,
and others.
Apply the slight edge principle to your time management.
15 minutes each weekday towards any project amounts to only an hour and fifteen
minutes each week, but in the course of a
year that amounts to a workweek and a half
– enough time to accomplish monumental
Again, implementing the slight edge is simple – but it’s not effortless! It takes discipline
and intentional action. The good news is that
while some projects and goals require massive immediate action, many can and will be
accomplished through seemingly-insignificant daily action.
Few habits are more powerful than applying
the slight edge daily. Remember, to achieve
an extra 1,250 phone calls each year, only 5
extra calls per day are required. Not 50, not
25, or even 10. Just 5. Anyone can make 5
extra calls per day, anyone. It’s so easy to do,
and so easy to not do…
Naturally, the more intense and focused the
action taken, the better. But we’re all human,
and a primary reason we give up on goals is
because we feel they’re unreachable or that
we’ve gotten too far behind, or the mistaken
belief that 5 extra calls today won’t make a