Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 19
Ask The Expert
Do you have that nagging question in your
mind wondering what or where you can go to
solve a business building problem. We have
the experts to help you out.
Here is how it works:
• You post your question! No questions are
minimal to us. We take them all very seri-
• We evaluate your needs, go out and find
the closest answer to your question, and
then post the answer. That way if someone
else is having the same problem they can
find it here, thanks to you.
• Shortly after your answer is posted, an
expert will contact you with information
about how they can help you. Sometimes
we have multiple companies get in touch
with you so you have choices to look at.
We don’t ask for phone numbers, just emails.
That way nobody get unwanted phone calls.
You can choose whether or not you want to
respond to the experts that we send your way.
Ask your question here or at
This Weeks Question
I don’t know a lot about SEO and my blog
isn’t getting any traffic. How do I bring more
traffic to my blogs?
Wow, great question without a quick answer.
Let’s break it up into small sections. Obviously
into today’s SEO world it takes an expert to ac-
tually optimize your website or blog but there
are a few things you can do. Keywords are
basic to SEO and you have control over your
keywords. Although Google has changed the
keyword tool, making it less specific it will give
you a basic idea what keywords would bring
the most success on your website. Create a
Google Adwords account and under the tools
menu you will find the keyword optimizer.
Some great places to put your keywords to
help you with SEO are
Multiple times in your content
Meta description
Meta keywor