Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 18
prefer package A or package B?”
Words not to use with owls: “You don’t need
to know that.” “How do you feel about that?”
“This may be the best choice.”
really anything they find highly enjoyable.
They often drive flashy cars with shiny wheels
and unique noticeable features and colors.
Their focus is on having a good time.
Words to use with tigers: “You’ll love it!” “It’s
the newest and the hottest.” “This technolo-
gy is unmatched.” “You’ll have the best in the
Bulls are headstrong, assertive, they don’t
mind confrontation. They are not going to
show much fear or doubt. They want to be
right, and they want to be respected. They are
typically in positions such as coach, manager, Words not to use with tigers: “The device has
physical trainer, and police officer. They typi-
been statistically proven to…” “I need you to
cally drive strong
make sure you nev-
loud vehicles like
er forget to…” “I’m
diesel trucks or
supposed to show
muscle cars. Their
you the comprehen-
typical focus is on
sive details of the
being right and on
being helpful to
those in need.
I regret that this
is merely a teaser
Words to use with
article – for there
bulls: “I need your
is so much more to
help!” “Listen
the 4 personalities!
boss, if you do this
But this is a foun-
for me, I’ll make
dation. Consider –
sure you have the
“how would I adjust
best.” “You’re ab-
my current sales
solutely right.”
process to meet my
customer’s person-
Words not to use with bulls: “I disagree.” “Let ality-based needs?” It takes practice, but keep
me help you.” “This is what you need.”
these basics in mind and you’ll soon notice
the dominant personality types of those in
Tigers are spontaneous, flashy, and they
your circle of influence and interaction. Try a
love a great time. They have short attention
few of these techniques. Stay tuned for fur-
spans. They love high-tech and new things
ther in-depth training on the 4 personality
that will get them noticed by their neighbors
types. It’s quite fun to see how well people
and friends. They don’t typically care too
respond when they feel appreciated, under-
much about price. If they like you and you do stood, and are given a personally tailored
a half-decent job they will buy from you. (A
half-decent job in a tiger’s eyes is a fun, quick,
simple, exciting sales process.) They are typ-
ically in positions such as retail sales, IT, and