Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 13

end, and you didn’t have to do a thing to get it matter how they view and navigate, the ef- fects are really cool and interactive with your there. readers. Panoramic still-images The last subject we need to cover is the cost of canvas ads, or any other kind of Facebook The last feature we will talk about for canvas is the use of still-images. Most companies use ad. There is no extra cost for any of these new ads in Facebook advertising! All of the in- still-image ads in their current feed for both paid and organic leads. It is probably the most credible options for Facebook advertising still known form of advertising for Facebook. I love apply - like choosing your custom audience by geographical location, gender, interests, the new feature that they give to still-images in your canvas ads. (This to me is why they are language, and by their Facebook usage be- havior. The options are so many that we could called canvas ads) Instead of having a speci- never name them one by one. If you are new fied size that fits within your feed restraints, to Facebook advertising, take your time and you can upload large images that your users do your research. If it is within your business can ‘float’ around, getting different effects at capability, we suggest that you hire a profes- each new point of the image. This is referred sional, like those that you would find at www. to as a panoramic view. Your users can tilt They can not only their phones, in some cases to flow around create a successful ad for you, but they can your image (depending on the specific style base your ads off of keyword research, geo- phone). In other cases, your reader can just graphical research, and targets that fit in your pan around your image with their finger. No