Business First January 2017 2017 volume 13 | Page 16

Business First Workshop
Business First Workshop

Preparing for and dealing with DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS

by Michael Doherty Mediate NI
am sure we have all been there , dreading the time when we know we are going to

Ihave a difficult conversation . It ’ s a scary time because you may have a sense that this conversation will get out of hand .

We all have had bad conversations . It is only but natural that the thought of another bad conversation coming up can make us sick with worry that it may go wrong again .
My contention is that you can prepare yourself for a difficult conversation and move into a frame of mind that will keep you focused on what needs to be discussed rather on what may go wrong .
A more positive attitude to an up and coming difficult conversation is a healthier place to be rather than from worrying yourself sick about it .
Let ’ s face it , a difficult conversation is one where you may have to manage emotion and information to address unreasonable behaviour or poor performance in the workplace .
A manager could find themselves having to deal with personal problems or investigate a complaint or deal with a grievance .
A manager may also find it difficult to have to tell someone they are being made redundant . There is no doubt about it a difficult conversation can test a manager ’ s skill set .
In my work as a mediator I have spent a lifetime facilitating many difficult conversations throughout the world .
Facing into a difficult conversation with diverse groups was a difficulty for me when I first entered the field of conflict transformation .
I eventually came to a place of understanding that gives me the confidence to state that by developing a personal strategy for dealing with difficult people I overcame that dreaded feeling of nervousness when facing into a meeting that had potential to become ‘ heated ’.
As a manager it is inevitable that in a lifetime you will encounter some people who
It is critical that managers equip themselves with the skills necessary to become competent in dealing with aggressive or difficult people in their organisation .
you will find difficult to work with because of what you see is unreasonable or aggressive behaviour .
Some people have a reputation of being aggressive to the point that they could be perceived as bullies . This can create a fear factor for managers and team leaders who may have to address that behaviour
It is critical that managers equip themselves with the skills necessary to become competent in dealing with aggressive or difficult people in their organisation . Aggressive behaviour is unacceptable in any circumstance but in the workplace it can cause absenteeism , loss of productivity , low morale and has potential for legal proceeding to be initiated by a worker who complains about harassment or victimisation , particularly when the management has not deal with it .
By developing a personal strategy for dealing with difficult people and aggression in the workplace managers can get to a satisfactory situation where both parties can walk away with a win , win outcome .
This can happen when managers research the detail of what the pending difficult conversation is about , has an awareness of trigger points that may escalate the conflict and has a skill to remain in control of the conversation .
If you are becoming angry during a difficult conversation it may quite well mean you are losing control of the situation . I would recommend you take on board the fact that you cannot control how other people act or behave but you can control your own emotions that will allow you to focus on the issue not the person .
If you are interested in enhancing your skills as a manager or team leader in managing difficult conversations , Mediate NI is offering a one­day workshop on dealing with difficult people on the February 9th 2017 at Riddel Hall , Belfast .
This one day workshop is designed to help managers and team leaders look at some of the skills and knowledge needed to facilitate difficult conversations when working with difficult or aggressive people .
Part of the day will explore the need to do a lot of self­preparation work before a difficult conversation takes place . The workshop will also consider ways of dealing with your own and other people ’ s emotions .
The day will allow people to explore ways of developing strategies that will look for win / win outcomes that will help work towards the creation of a harmonious working environment .
Workshop Details
If you are interested in enhancing your skills as a manager or team leader Business First is working with Mediate NI and offering a one­day workshop on dealing with difficult people on the February 9th 2017 at Riddel Hall , Queens University , Belfast .
This one day workshop is designed to help managers and team leaders look at some of the skills and knowledge needed to facilitate difficult conversations when working with difficult or aggressive people .
Part of the day will explore the need to do a lot of self­preparation work before a difficult conversation takes place . The workshop will also consider ways of dealing with your own and other people ’ s emotions .
The day will allow people to explore ways of developing strategies that will look for win / win outcomes that will help work towards the creation of a harmonious working environment .
For more information and to reserve a place please visit businessfirstonline . co . uk / difficultconversations
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