Thanks for taking the time to read this version of my newsletter .
This one is certainly a bit more comprehensive and detailed compared to previous ones , and as a result took a bit more time to prepare in addition to MANY technical barriers or attempting to do so on a Mac ( which was and still is somewhat foreign to me ).
I would love to be able to provide you with content that will suit the needs of those who read it , so please submit any feedback , suggestions for topics or articles , or general Q & A topics which I can address in future editions .
Simply email them to me tony @ tonyozanne . com
Subscriptions – The hidden cost of business or good value ?
Are you one of the many people who subscribe to everything online these days ?
The understatement of the century would have to be ‘ the internet has changed businesses '. You and I know it has and it appears to be here to stay , but that ’ s probably another discussion for another time and another blog topic . One thing that has become dominant in the business persons online situation is the dramatic availability and the hidden accumulated cost of subscription items or expenses in the P & L .
I fell for this trap too and although only have a few years as a business owner under my belt , I was quickly lured into the concept of subscriptions vs . outright paying , or in some cases I didn ’ t have the option .
Nearly anything and everything we want to use in our business in an online content is now readily available to purchase ‘ on subscription ’. We make monthly payments of $ 9.99 , $ 19,99 , $ 29,99 , $ 99.99 etc . to access all the really cool and ‘ necessary ’ programs or features that we use on a day to day basis .........
To read the full article go and check out the full blog post by clicking HERE .
Click HERE to access this article . Connect with me : I would love to connect with you and see what you are up to . Find me at the following :
YouTube : tonyozanne
Facebook : Business Coaching Canberra Linked In : Tony Ozanne
Canberra Small Business Owners LinkedIn group
Twitter : @ tony _ ozanne
Google +: tonyozanne . com
Email : tony @ tonyozanne . com
Mobile 0447 610279 Cheers until next time ...
Tony tonyozanne . com