Business Coaching Canberra July 2013 | Page 3

Coaching trial offer - 10 only

Do any of these statements apply to yo or your business ?
“ I am not making enough money ……”
“ I don ’ t know where my business is going ….”
“ I don ’ t have a plan ….”
“ Maybe I should be out getting a job …..”
For more information click HERE “ If only someone could help me ….”
Do any of these sound familiar ? If the answer is YES , don ’ t worry , you are not alone . Business is tough , and even tougher at the moment .
Lucky for you , a no risk , no long term contract offer awaits those who are game !

• To secure your spot - see the full details HERE

Social Media for Business

An Interview with Tim Hyde- The RiotACT
Social media is an animal that must be contained !
We all use social media on a daily basis for both business and personal reasons . If you are a business owner the fact that you are on social media is probably more of a necessity due to the fact that your clients and potential clients are ‘ out there ’ than a burning passion to be on it .
Near all business owners are time poor- no major surprise there , and social media can be another factor which drains that valuable time from you- if done incorrectly .
In the following interview I have a discussion with Tim Hyde - CEO of the www . the-riotact . com which is Canberra ’ s leading online news and opinion site , and a true form of social media .
Time describes social media as being the “ modern day version of the backyard BBQ discussion where the group hangs around listening to the gossip or story , except today , that discussion is shared with a potential ‘ bbq ’ audience all around the street , town , city , state , country , globe ” based on the power of the ‘ social ’ in social media .
The key is don ’ t feel you need to ‘ do it all ’. Have a plan that fits with your business and your clients rather than being a ‘ me too ’ social media user .
Check out the video interview by clicking HERE tonyozanne . com