Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine September 2014 | Page 43

Credit to MP Report Credit to Forbes
8 . HARRY TRIGUBOFF $ 5.50 billion , Meriton
7 . ANDREW FORREST $ 5.86 billion , Fortescue Metals Group ( FMG )
BY THE AGE of 30 , Harry Triguboff became the founder and managing director of Meriton . Since the Rich 200 list ’ s inception in 1984 , Triguboff has been included ; that first year , he had a net worth of $ 25 million . The Chinese native first arrived in Australia in 1947 , before he became involved in property . His previous occupations include being a milkman , taxi driver and real estate agent .
BEFORE BECOMING INVOLVED in the mining sector , Andrew Forrest was a stock broker until the late 1980s . After founding Fortescue Metals Group in 2003 , the Western Australian native became the 4th largest iron ore producer in the world in less than a decade .
In 2008 , Forrest was at the top of the Rich 200 list with a $ 9.4 billion fortune . In 2003 , Forrest and his wife were the first Australians to pledge half of their wealth to charity whilst living . Forrest currently serves as a substantial supporter and official public ambassador of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation . In 2011 , Forrest nominated and won the 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year .