TOP 10
Credit to Forbes
10 . KERR NEILSON $ 3.35 billion , Platinum Asset Management
9 . JOHN GANDEL $ 4.08 billion , Sussan
BORN IN JOHANNESBURG , South Africa , Kerr Neilson moved to Australia in 1983 and quickly became the head of retail funds management for the Bankers Trust Australia , before co-founding Platinum Asset Management .
Part of Neilson ’ s success in investing is due to his refusal to invent in “ fashionable stocks ,” instead only investing in what he personally deems as “ good companies .”
However , in 2012 , the company resulted in a 16 percent fall in net profit , mostly due in part to a 14 percent reduction in investment income . Because of this , Neilson refused to take a bonus and did not increase his base salary , enduring him to his company and its shareholders .
JOHN GANDEL , ONE of Australia ’ s most successful retailers , first began his passion while working for his parent ’ s store , Sussan after he dropped out of university at the age of 19 .
He soon took over his parent ’ s business in the 1950s and grew it into a chain of over 200 stores . After purchasing the Chadstone Shopping Centre in 1983 , Gandel sold Sussan to his brother-in-law to focus on his real estate business .
After Gandel acquired the Chadstone Shopping Centre for $ 37 million , he turned it into Australia ’ s biggest shopping mall valued at over $ 3 billion .
42 September 2014