AS A MARKETING professional in Australia , you are no doubt using social media to connect with new business prospects and stay connected with current clients . From small-to-medium enterprises ( SMEs ) to large corporate brands , increasing numbers of companies are adapting their marketing to include social media . Social platforms present vital tools for SMEs , and are becoming more of a necessity in an everchanging technological market .
In a study conducted by LinkedIn , it was found that 89 percent of companies surveyed use social media to build awareness of their brand , and 72 percent see social media as essential for the future of their business .
Matt Tindale , director , Marketing Solutions AU & NZ at LinkedIn suggests that , “ With SME prospects , leads and customers active on social media too , not being a part of the conversation is detrimental to brand awareness and customer retention . LinkedIn provides the tools a SME needs to be a part of that conversation in informative , inspirational and insightful ways .”
“ I believe that both small and large
businesses alike are finally realising that simply having the most junior marketing employee updating their company pages is not enough ,” said Stephan Grace of Ashdown Consulting . “ We are seeing huge growth in highly paid internal roles focused on social media , and also the rise of boutique specialist agencies growing quickly in this space .”
So what does this mean for you ? It means that engaging with your
32 September 2014