According to Australia Tourism research , association and incentive decision-makers ’ main concerns when considering overseas events post-pandemic include a safe and secure destination , the rollout of an effective vaccine , a destination that has handled the pandemic well , travel cost association with a destination , flights with no stop-overs , excellent business events facilities and the strength of the industry in relation to associations .
Enter Australia . Research shows that Australia is seen as a highly desirable business events destination due to its world-class beauty and natural environments ; range of quality accommodation options ; excellent business events facilities ; clean cities and good road infrastructure ; range of local attractions for optional activities ; and appealing climate .
“ Combine this with our warm and welcoming people , unique experiences , wide and open spaces , and Australia is a business events destination that will deliver beyond expectations ,” says Robin Mack , Executive General Manager Commercial & Business Events Australia , Tourism Australia
While Australia hasn ’ t yet opened up to international business travellers , face-to-face domestic events did resume earlier this year , with the Victorian Tourism Conference securing 900 delegates in April , OzWater ’ 21 hosting 2,500 + delegates at the Adelaide Convention Centre in May , and a record in-person attendance at Tourism Australia ’ s annual Destination Australia conference in Sydney , which “ really highlighted the desire to get back to meeting face-to-face ”, says Mack . That said , recent lockdowns in Australia have had an impact with industry feedback suggesting domestic events have been postponed until year-end .
“ Internationally , our latest research , the Business Events Consumer Demand Project , indicates that 45 % of association makers in our key markets have been running events over the last 9-10 months , which includes face-to-face , online and hybrid , while association decision makers state that they expect online / hybrid events will continue ,” says Mack .
In fact , Australia , more than any other country , is well-prepared for a digital events future with 87 % of events companies having developed a digital transformation strategy for individual exhibitions and products ( compared to 40 % global average ) and 67 % developing a digital transformation strategy for the whole company , compared to 22 % global average .
According to Mack , “ the Australian business events industry has always been innovative and proactive in embracing new technologies ” and says it has been “ truly inspiring ” to see the resilience within the Australian business events industry during these challenging times . “ We ’ ve seen many adapt their business models , creating innovative solutions that will help futureproof their businesses and deliver lasting benefits for business events in the future .”
Mack points to the International Convention Centre Sydney which launched its Media Studio , a permanent studio space offering client broadcast recording services , live streaming and digital event solutions ; and to Australian production company , Harry the hirer , which created Smart Badges , a device worn by delegates that alerts them when they are too close to other device wearers and can alert organisers in real time how many people are in a room . businesschief . asia 45