Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine May 2019 | Page 29

direction and design . A lot remains to be done , and many learnings have been surfaced but in some areas , there have been real functional improvements . A good example is the service desk . When she came in , Du Thaler recalls , people phoning in to UnitingCare were experiencing an abandonment rate of over 40 %, that is to say that calls were either not answered or people were kept waiting so long they hung up . Today the abandonment rate is below 3 %, and over 60 % of queries are fixed at the service desk without needing to be referred on . That ’ s a huge improvement , but there ’ s room for further improvement she says .
Currently , she is targeting her D & T organisation in a limited number of directions . “ One of the big ones continues to be bedding in all the new ways of working and frameworks that we have designed over the past 12 months . We are working closely with specific areas of our business that need refinement of the service delivery model and we are realigning many of our service level agreements ( SLAs ) with business criticality and business need . Uniting- Care is also moving to a consumptionbased cost reallocation model : we
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