22 she says , “ and we ’ re now poised for that future .”
UnitingCare ’ s transformation , stemming from the creation of Du Thaler ’ s Digital and Technology ( D & T ) organisation , was recognised by the iTnews Benchmark Awards 2019 , in which it is a finalist . The citation points to UnitingCare ’ s focus on reducing overhead costs while also improving the IT service delivery model in ‘ an incredibly competitive marketplace with limited funding streams ’. In other words , value for money .
The outcome is worth some attention : a competitive and comprehensive tender process was embarked on , to replace its fragmented , legacy service delivery model with a managed services partner model . There were many companies that could have helped with this , she acknowledges , but capacity and price were not the only consideration . “ This procurement process was a bit different because of the influence and guiding ethics of the Uniting Church . We looked deeply into the conduct of these companies to satisfy ourselves they had ethical supply chains ,
MAY 2019