“ This job was enticing to me as much from the point of view of culture , human interaction and service delivery as of technology ”
— Nina Du Thaler , Group Executive , Digital and Technology , UnitingCare Queensland
One of the things she likes about UnitingCare is its mission-led ethos . It attracts people like herself . People who are driven by a desire to improve the physical , mental and spiritual health of the community never just see their job in terms of income generation . “ We have a great number of extremely effective carers , healthcare and social workers : they are motivated by a com- mitment to the people in our community and I think that is a really positive aspect of our organisation .”
Maintaining this ethos is vital , though it does entail a balancing act , sometimes approaching conflict , when it comes to commercial accountability . Not for profit organisations still need to be viable , generating surplus funds that can be used for much needed expansion . Nina Du Thaler recognises that her job , to all intents and purposes , is to maintain the balance and keep close control of IT spending whilst delivering change and value for money and keeping Uniting- Care sustainable . “ My team have a huge responsibility , oversight of risk and cybersecurity , maintaining the health of the supporting infrastructure and applications – all the usual concerns of the CIO ’ s office – but we also have to strive to deliver a range of projects focused on new products , services and ways of working .”
The last two years for her have been a time of readying the organisation to take advantage of the brave new world of IoT , automation and AI by dealing with a host of legacy issues , notably starting the journey towards unifying some of the platforms used by the different parts of the organisation already mentioned and transforming UnitingCare ’ s service delivery model . “ Those things have placed us in a good position to embark on a more digital and innovative future ,”
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