SUPPLY CHAIN the goods sometimes . The challenge is trying to meet those technical demands .”
It ’ s the global footprint , married with a digital strategy , that has made Crown truly unique . Whilst customers expect high-quality services , its ultimate aim is to simplify the relocation process for both private and corporate customers .
“ The process of relocating is one of the three most stressful life events a human can go through , along with death and divorce . It ' s a very emotional experience . It ' s one thing to move a container of televisions . It ' s another to move somebody ' s life experiences for them ,” reflects Madrid .
“ We have had to look at how to build that level of trust with customers and deliver on their expectations , at the same time providing a digital experience to which we have all become accustomed .”
Across its private relocation and corporate mobility business units , Crown has therefore implemented a number of digital tools to enhance the customer experience .
“ Previously , when a customer relocated from home country to host country , we sent out a consultant . An appointment would be arranged , the consultant would visit the property and survey all household items . This required the customer ’ s availability at their residence between working hours to complete an inventory ,” explains Kenning .
“ We ’ ve since launched a virtual consultation service , which is similar to a FaceTime conversation . The customer is using their smart device and enabling the consultant to digitally capture their household goods , offering flexibility by providing after-hours appointments through our regional service centres .”
By fully digitising this process , Crown has reduced carbon emissions and transformed its traditional , paperled process . With all information captured through video technology , accuracy levels have also risen .
“ At the end of the pilot for this initiative , we achieved a 5 % increase against industry standards for the
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