Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine August 2016 | Page 12


Africa-Singapore Business Forum 24-25 August 2016 international expansions – one of the first impressions was the ability to raise finance .

“ The Government and its entities have been very supportive of our plans . We see this as a long term exercise – not just for short term benefits . There ’ s a strong business proposition to have our HQ here . When I told my group CEO when he asked me how long it took to set up a corporate entity , I told him three days would be considered a long time - he nearly fell off his chair !”

Since 2010 , IE Singapore has been hosting the Africa Singapore Business Forum ( ASBF ) as a unique platform to further develop investment , trade and thought exchange between Africa and Asia . ASBF 2016 will tackle critical issues and will highlight opportunities for the strategic growth of both regions through presentations , panel discussions , and networking .

www . iesingapore . gov . sg / asbf

12 August 2016