Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine August 2016 | Page 11


Top 5 Singaporean exports to Africa

1 ) Petroleum Oils 2 ) Shipping and Floating

Structures 3 ) Electronic Integrated Circuits and Microassembles 4 ) Plant and Equipment 5 ) Telecommunication eqip .

Top 5 African exports to Singapore

1 ) Petroleum Oils 2 ) Electronic Integrated

Circuits & Microassembles 3 ) Cocoa 4 ) Fruits and Nuts 5 ) Pearls and precious stones

Total value : s $ 8.4 billion ( 2015 ) Total value : s $ 2.6 billion ( 2015 )

there gains more than the business environment ; Singapore ’ s location positions companies to trade and operate with the economic powerhouses of India and China , not to mention both the growing and established markets in Eastern Asia .
One example of a business recently engaged in this process is Adcorp – one of Africa ’ s largest workforce management companies . Two years ago , the company supported its regional expansion plans by headquartering all of its non-South Africa activities in Singapore and is looking to increase the depth of this presence .
Executive Director and CEO for International , Amitava Guharoy , says : “ There are lots of advantages . Singapore is now ranked third as a leading financial centre in the world . There ’ s a very strong community of people financing