BUSI 620 MENTOR It's Your Life/busi620mentor.com BUSI 620 MENTOR It's Your Life/busi620mentor.com | Page 31
Discussion Question 2 : ( a ) What are the advantages of the Herfindahl index over concentration ratios in measuring the degree of concentration in an industry ? ( b ) What is the disadvantage of both ?
DQ3 : What is the difference between limit pricing and contestable markets ?
Discussion Question 8 : In what way does OPEC resemble a cartel ? How successful was it ?
Problem 1 : Find the Herfindahl index for an industry composed of ( a ) three firms — one with 70 present of the market , and the other two with 20 and 10 percent of the market , respectively ; ( b ) one firm with a 50 percent share of the market and 10 other equal-sized firms ; ( c ) 10 equal-sized firms .
Problem 5 : Starting with the reaction functions of duopolists A and B from Problem 4 , find the Cournot solution algebraically .
Froeb and McCann ' s Chapter 10 : a ) Individual problems : 10-4 .
Individual problem 10-4 : Examine the US passenger airline industry using the Five Forces . Is this an attractive industry ? Why or why not ?
Salvatore ’ s Chapter 11 :
Discussion Question 2 : ( a ) What are the advantages of the Herfindahl index over concentration ratios in measuring the degree of concentration in an industry ? ( b ) What is the disadvantage of both ?
DQ3 : What is the difference between limit pricing and contestable markets ?
Discussion Question 8 : In what way does OPEC resemble a cartel ? How successful was it ?
Problem 1 : Find the Herfindahl index for an industry composed of ( a ) three firms — one with 70 present of the market , and the other two with 20 and 10 percent of the market , respectively ; ( b ) one firm with a 50 percent share of the market and 10 other equal-sized firms ; ( c ) 10 equal-sized firms .
Problem 5 : Starting with the reaction functions of duopolists A and B from Problem 4 , find the Cournot solution algebraically .
Froeb and McCann ' s Chapter 10 : a ) Individual problems : 10-4 .
Individual problem 10-4 : Examine the US passenger airline industry using the Five Forces . Is this an attractive industry ? Why or why not ?