BullShooter Magazine April 2015 Number 4 Volume 32 | Page 19
Pittsburgh BullShooter Regional
the past few years.
Micki: Tom, I do try to maintain
my status at the Regional. Like I
said, it would be nice to have more
time to devote, but I am doing
okay. I would have liked to have
done a little better in the singles
this year, but all in all, the last
two years have been okay.
Pacer: In 2014 you won the
Women’s Doubles Combo with
Michell Septak and the Mixed
Doubles Cricket with Andrew
McMaster. In 2015 you and Fran
Ginder took a 2nd and a 4th in the
Women’s events. You also had a
3rd in the Women’s Singles Combo
and a 1st in Mixed Cricket Doubles
with Don Stewart. That’s not bad
for a gal who has to find time to
play darts. Do you remember your
first major tournament?
Micki: Way back in the 80’s I
won a Top Gun competition in my
area, and got an expense free trip
to the BullShooter in Chicago. I
felt really proud to represent my
area there, and believe me the
BullShooter World Tournament
was just amazing. All of those
boards and all of those players.
Tom, it literally took my breath
Pacer: You never forget your
first BullShooter.
Every darter owes it to themself to experience the BullShooter World
Championships, there is nothing
quite like it.
Micki: It really opened my eyes
and made me realize that this
game was bigger then Pittsburgh
and the United States. When I
witnessed the foreign teams parading in the room with their national flags and got a chance to
meet and play against people from
Japan, Netherlands, Spain and all
over, that I really realized what
a worldwide game that darts are.
Arachnid is planning a big 30th
celebration for the BullShooter
this year, and I wouldn’t miss it for
the world! I think the BullShooter
will be something special this year.
Pacer: Micki, you have a delightful attitude, is there anything
you want to add before we call it a
Micki: Oh, I just want to say how
much I love the game and just tell
everybody that I’ve played with,
and against, all of these years
thanks for being a part of my dart
family. I have played steel and
electronics for over 30 years, and
have met thousands of people playing darts. The amazing thing is I
love it just as much, or more, than
ever. This year I am playing league
at a place called “Drinks” and it is
close enough for me to walk back
and forth. I don’t drink and drive,
so walking to “Drinks” works just
fine for me (both laughing). Before
I forget, thanks for letting me be a
part of Pacer’s Page.
Micki and Michelle Septak won Women’s
Doubles Combo at the Pennsylvania Regional
in 2014.
Micki teamed up with Don Stewart and took 1st
in Mixed Cricket at the Pennsylvania
BullShooter Regional in February.
Pacer: The Eastern part of the
United States suffered through an
historically harsh winter. Micki
said that there was so much snow,
and it was so cold, that they just
plain got sick of Mother Nature.
She jokingly told me, “Tom it got
so bad that we almost shot the
groundhog.” Despite all of that
bad weather, she still made it to
“Drinks”, and she still played
At the Pennsylvania Regional in 2014, Micki
teamed up with Andrew McMaster and won
the Mixed Cricket event.