Bullis Creek Ranch Bull Sale Catalog | Page 3

Tracy Harl ...................................................................................... 402-469-3852
Sale Day Phone
Sale Barn ....................................................................................... 402-967-3060 Rob ’ s Cell ....................................................................................... 402-376-4465 Brenda ’ s Cell ................................................................................. 402-376-4002 Neil .................................................................................................. 402-322-3939 Audrey ........................................................................................... 402-760-1037
Sale Representatives
Todd Eberle , Burwell Livestock .............................................. 308-870-1783 Jake Gideon , Burwell Livestock ............................................. 402-380-8244 Dean Summerbell , Heartland Limousin Assoc ................ 612-963-3799 Cody Nye , Fence Post & TSLN ................................................ 308-760-8588 Harry Walahoski , Sale Representative ................................. 308-730-0667 Andy Rest , Cattle Business Weekly ....................................... 406-670-5678
Mail and phone bids
Mailed or phoned bids will be handled in a confidential manner . If you are unable to attend the sale , simply contact Rob Brawner orany of the sale representatives far enough in advance so we can help youringside on sale day . All cattle purchased through our “ sight unseen program ” are unconditionally guaranteed , if the cattle purchased for you on order are not what you expected , we don ’ t expect you to pay for them .
Terms of the sale are cash unless prior credit arrangements are established between buyer and seller . Settlements are to be made with the clerk immediately after the conclusion of the auction .
Health certificates ( for out of state or country buyers ) and semen test certificates will be provided with each lot sold . Cattle going to out of state buyers may need to be trich tested following the sale . The tests will be performed as quickly after the sale .
Nutrition of the sale cattle
The bulls were wintered as calves on a ration of long-stemmed hay and Bull Challenger pellets fed at less than 1 % of their body weight . They were ran in large pastures on grass the following summer . In October the bulls were started on Bull Challenger pelleted ration at less than 1 % of their bodyweight along with pasture and long stem meadow hay . They were run in a large hill pasture promoting exercise and fitness . The bulls were fed with soundness in mind and to develop them for trouble free use .
Sale Day Information
We will provide actual scrotal measurements and any other pertinent information . Every bull will have passed a BSE ( breeding soundness Exam ) unless stated at sale time .
Announcements made sale day will take precedent over printed material in the catalog . Please take note of any changes .
All Bulls have been Genomically Tested
Each animal will be the buyers risk as soon as it is sold , but will be cared for by the seller for a reasonable period of time . Every precaution willbe taken for the welfare of the cattle sold . Neither the owner nor the salesmanagement can be held responsible for accidents , but every effort will bemade to provide for safety and comfort of those attending the sale .
Genetic Defects
Every animal in the Bullis Creek herd that has a known carrier in the first three generations has been tested for Osteopetrosis ( OS ). No known carriers will be offered for sale . All the sires at Bullis Creek have been tested OS free .
Health - All cattle have been vaccinated for 7 way clostridial , pasturella ,, IBR , BVD , PI3 and BRSV and poured for internal and external parasites .
Lodging in Valentine , Nebraska
Rodeway Inn Ainsworth ........................................................... 402-387-1050 Super 8 Valentine ....................................................................... 402-376-1250 Niobrara Lodge Valentine ........................................................ 402-376-3000 Raine Motel Valentine ............................................................... 402-376-2030
All bulls selling for $ 3000 or more will be covered 100 % for fertility , soundness , and customer satisfaction for a complete breeding season defined as 60 days following 1st turnout . Any problems with the bulls must be reported by September 1st of 2014 to arrange a bull replacement or if necessary , a credit for next year ’ s sale . Injured bulls must be diagnosed by an accredited veterinarian . Credits will be awarded 100 % of value of the injured bull , less $ 1700 . Salvage of the injured bull goes to the buyer . The guarantee is under the discretion of Bullis Creek Ranch and bulls may not be covered if inhuman practices or negligence are present whether directly or indirectly related to the injury .
Example 1 : A $ 5,000 bull is injured and examined to be a nonbreeder ; $ 3,300 credit will be awarded to the buyer .
Example 2 : A $ 3,000 bull is injured and examined to be a nonbreeder a $ 1,300 credit will be given to the buyer .
Example 3 : A bull sells for less than $ 3,000 and is injured and examined to be a non-breeder ; no credit will be given .
The bulls will be delivered by the seller at his convenience if the buyer opts for delivery . Bring your trailer sale day and deduct $ 100 / hd . Bulls bringing $ 3000 or more will be delivered free of charge within a 300-mile radius of Wood Lake , NE .
We have offered to keep and feed the bulls in the past till April 1st , and we will do this again for buyers of our bulls . The cost will be $ 3 per day for 70 days ($ 210 ) till April 1 and if you elect to have us keep and feed your bulls then the cost will be added to your invoice on sale day and must be paid for at settlement . The bulls will be fed 30 lbs of hay and 4 lbs of distiller ’ s range cake per day and will be bedded with straw in the event of inclement weather as needed . Delivery will be after April 1 , 2024 .
The bulls will be fertility tested and papers for semen test and health will be provided by Dr . Bill Hines , Martin , SD
Carcass ultrasound by Old West Ultrasound , Martin , SD Ranch Veterinary , Dr . Joe Butler , Valentine , NE ........ 402-376-1500 Dr . Steve Schumacher , Valentine , NE .......................... 402-376-6144
Monday , January 22 , 2024 • At the Ranch • Wood Lake , NE