Bullis Creek Ranch Bull Sale Catalog | Page 2

Welcome to our 24th Annual “ Generations of Predictability ” Production Sale held on the 4th Monday in January each year . In 2020 we held the sale at the ranch south of Wood Lake , NE . It went well and was certainly a whole lot less stress on us and the cattle . The sale was well attended by friends , neighbors and buyers . The cattle , our commitment to quality , reliability and value will never change regardless of where the sale is held or how the cattle are sold . I look forward to seeing all of you at the ranch south of Wood Lake on January 22 , 2024 . As always buyers are welcome to come anytime to look at the cattle or call us with any questions . We are here to serve and truly want our buyers to be satisfied and successful with the cattle purchased from us .
Our goal has always been to breed for balanced traits and our emphasis has been performance orientated . We have always utilized the latest improvements in beef production . Performance testing , data collection , EPD ’ s , AI , embryo transfer , whole herd reporting , and genomic testing are all utilized on the ranch . We have always tried to be involved in all facets of our industry from breeding , feeding and marketing of our product . We have fed to finish our entire calf crop not sold as breeding stock . We have nearly 15 years of feeding and carcass data . The last 7 years we have been selling beef direct to the consumer and tracking consumer satisfaction . Rest assured that we have focused on these 5 areas in our cowherd . We have selected for highly docile easy handling cattle that are efficient , structurally sound with increased longevity and performance while not increasing maintenance . We try and run our cowherd mostly on forage and in a normal year the cows are fed hay less than 90 days per year .
Bulls going out of state will need a trich test to go to most states so we will do the health work after the sale and coordinate with the buyers on delivery . If you buy a bull that day for instate delivery and want to transport him home , then we will do our best to make sure that the brand work is in order for travel . We have offered to feed the bulls till the first of April in the past and will do so again . Please see information on this in the performance section following this letter . We ask that you bring your trailer on sale day or as soon as possible after the sale or arrange for us to deliver your purchases . We encourage you to purchase livestock insurance on your purchases if we keep them for you and would be glad to assist with insurance if needed .

Rob and Family

Analyzing Performance Information
BW Birth weight- We take birth weights on our cattle in order to give you some method of determining calving ease . Larger calves will sometimes come very easy . We believe that calf structure determines calving ease along with size .
WW Weaning Weight- This is the weight of the cattle taken at weaning time adjusted to constant age of 205 days , and is a good indication of growth and maternal performance of the dam or indication of the environment that the animals were raised in . Our environment contains very little supplemental feed or pampering . Our cattle are expected to exist on mostly a forage diet with minimal extra inputs .
Ratios Ratios are indicated for WW , ribeye , marbling and back fat and show how each animal compares to its herd mates within a group . Ratios are only within herds , so a 100 ( or average ) ratio within Bullis Creek herd is different than 100 in another herd .
Dam Production The first four numbers at the start of each footnote are the combined production averages of all the dam ’ s progeny . The first number is the birth ratio , second number is an average weaning ratio , the third is an average yearling ratio and the fourth number is the MPPA ( Most probable producing ability of the dam ).
CE Calving ease score is noted in the footnote with *, **, ***. This is based on several things 1 . The individual birth weight of the bull . 2 . His birth weight EPD and CED 3 . His dam ’ s birth weight ratio . * For use on Cows . ** For use on Cows , 3-year-olds and big well grown out yearling heifers .
*** For use on yearling heifers without much difficulty or calving trouble .
Carcass Data We have ultra-sounded all sale lots and the data has been turned into the breed association if eligible . We have indicated carcass EPD ’ s and ratios on rib eye , marbling and back fat or yield grade . We include a Rib eye measurement based on square inch of REA per CWT of body weight . Since we don ’ t push our bulls , this measurement will allow you to compare our bulls to those that have been fed harder . All bulls have been genomically DNA tested including sire verification and have genomically enhanced EPD ’ s for greater accuracy and reliability of data . All Red Angus bulls are OSF and MA tested free of these defects .

2 Bullis Creek Ranch Generations of Predictability Bull Sale