Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS) Bulletin Vol 36 No.1 March 2023 | Page 22

BAMOS March 2023

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Humanity ’ s Moment

A Climate Scientist ’ s Case for Hope Joëlle Gergis

A personal call to action from an Australian IPCC author
When climate scientist Joëlle Gergis set to work on the United Nations ’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) Sixth Assessment Report , the research she encountered kept her up at night . Through countless hours spent with the world ’ s top scientists to piece together the latest global assessment of climate change , she realised that the impacts were occurring faster than anyone had predicted .
In Humanity ’ s Moment , Joëlle takes us through the science in the IPCC report with unflinching honesty , explaining what it means for our future , while sharing her personal reflections on bearing witness to the heartbreak of the climate emergency unfolding in real time . But this is not a lament for a lost world . It is an inspiring reminder that human history is an endless tug-of-war for social justice . We are each a part of an eternal evolutionary force that can transform our world .
Joëlle shows us that the solutions we need to live sustainably already exist - we just need the social movement and political will to create a better world . This book is a climate scientist ’ s guide to rekindling hope , and a call to action to restore our relationship with ourselves , each other and our planet .
DR JOËLLE GERGIS is an award-winning climate scientist and writer at the Australian National University . She served as a lead author for the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report and is the author of Sunburnt Country : The History and Future of Climate Change in Australia .
Release date : Tuesday , 30 August 2022 AU RRP : $ 34.99 NZ RRP : $ 40.00 ISBN : 9781760643232 Imprint : Black Inc . Format : Paperback Size : C ( 234 x 153mm ) Extent : 336pp Subject : Science , Nature & the Environment
Embargo : Tuesday , 30 August
Media enquiries : Kate Nash kate @ blackincbooks . com 0406 997 647 Want a closer look ? Write a review for us ! Just email bamos @ amos . org . au to express your interest . One lucky reader will be chosen and sent a free copy of the book to review for BAMOS and Black Inc . books .