Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS) Bulletin Vol 36 No.1 March 2023 | Page 20

BAMOS March 2023

20 Article

Australian Earth System Simulator launch

Natalia Bateman , Australian Earth System Simulator ( ACCESS-NRI )
ACCESS-NRI Workshop 2022 in Canberra . Professor Andy Hogg at the ACCESS-NRI launch .
The Australian Earth System Simulator ( ACCESS-NRI ) is a national research Infrastructure created to support development and research with the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator ( ACCESS ) modelling system .
ACCESS is an Earth system model framework based on the UM atmosphere , with the MOM-based ocean , CICE seaice , and CABLE land surface models coupled to a range of chemical and biological models .
Funded by the Australian federal government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy ( NCRIS ), ACCESS-NRI is hosted by The Australian National University ( ANU ) and led by Professor Andy Hogg .
ACCESS-NRI is a partnership between the Bureau of Meteorology , CSIRO , Monash University , Melbourne University , University of Tasmania and University of New South Wales ( UNSW ) with intentions to collaborate with international partners , including the UK Met Office and GFDL .
Click here for a 1 minute video on ' What is ACCESS-NRI '?
Example of the sort of visualisations that are produced with the ACCESS models data . This one is an Ocean model , Tasman Sea from Professor Andy Hogg .
The launch
On 23 June 2022 , ACCESS-NRI was officially launched at the National Museum of Australia in an event facilitated by the amazing climate communicator Lee Constable .
We were welcomed to country by Ngunnawal Elder and proud Wiradjuri woman Serena Williams , who highlighted the importance of caring for country and the willing of first National people to contribute to projects like ACCESS-NRI .
Our guest speakers included Dan Donegan , from the Department of Education , Professor Brian Schmidt ( ANU , Vice Chancellor ), Professor Robyn Owens ( Chair of the ACCESS- NRI Board ) and Professor Andy Hogg ( ACCESS-Director ).
Watch the recording of the event here ( 33 min ).
This event was preceded by a two-day community workshop where the ACCESS community came together to :
• present the latest science that uses ACCESS
• bring together people from across the ACCESS community , to enhance existing links and to build new collaborations
• discuss short and long term plans for ACCESS-NRI . You can see a full report of the workshop outcomes here .
The workshop included 12 invited science talks from the ACCESS community as well as an invited plenary on ' Building a Community Model ' by Gokhan Danabasoglu ( NCAR / CESM ).
Watch all the recordings here .
Visit our website , follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn or contact us at access-nri @ anu . edu . au to receive updates or be included in our mail list / Slack channel .