Built Not Bought Magazine Issue 7, June 2013 | Page 16
It was a dark and stormy night… Oh,
wait, wrong story! It was a bright, bright,
bright, bright and sunshiny Saturday as
cars, motorcycles, vendors, pompadours and ruffle butt britches poured
in to the Clearwater Casino Resort the
celebrate the 5th annual Kustom Kulture Festival presented to you by the
Rockit Roost store in the Kitsap Mall.
It didn’t matter what you were there to
see, there was something entertaining
for everyone. I personally, as a pinup
girl, (and previous winner I might add)
could not wait to see all of the beautiful
girls competing in the Pinup Paradise
on Roost’r Island Pinup Pageant. This is
a great opportunity for woman of every
walk of life to throw on some eyelashes
and lipstick, and in this case maybe a
hula skirt, and show the world just what
she thinks pinup is all about.
The contestants get split into 3 groups,
this year it was Pink, Orange and Purple. In between the rockin bands and
the quirky host each group got their
time to shine. With a carefully selected
sound track we got to see these girls
parade their interpretation of tiki pinup
up and down the catwalk and try to win
the hearts of the audience and grab
that vote. If the awesome costumes
and sassy poses weren’t enough, we
also got to see them answer a carefully selected interview question where
we heard anything from a desire for an
attractive man on a deserted island to
“world peace, Stan” because yes, there
is one in every crowd.
The festival patrons could vote at any
time during the day at the booth right
by the stage, whenever they decided
who their favorite girl was (and yes,
they were all susceptible to bribes!) But
at the end of the day, the most exciting part happened. They closed the
votes and announced the top 10. This
is where we get to see the girls in their
evening gowns for the first time, and try
to see if we can guess who is going to
win what titles. Having been a winner
myself in 2012, I can assure you; this
is no easy adventure for these girls and
their adoring fans.
When the awards begin, everyone is
standing by with bated breath as they
start to call the names of these beautiful
bombshells. Most Photogenic: DeeDee
Deladoll! And the crowd goes wild! Miss
Vintage Beauty: Alley Kat! Rockit Roost
16 BUILT NOT BOUGHT MAGAZINE | Issue 7 - June 2013
Vixen: Miss Devalynne Dollface! And
Miss Congeniality: Scarlet De Lure! As
the names keep getting called, the girls
get more and more nervous. Who is it
going to be? Who won the crowds favor and is going to take that top Crown?
And if they didn’t win the vote, did they
represent themselves in a manner to
take another top title?
A hush falls over the crowd as Miss
Kitty Mansfield and Miss Bang Bang
Betty approach the front of the stage
to award the first big crown, the Pinups
against Cancer Select Queen. And here
she is folks: Miss Pip Osborne! (She can
do an amazing Chewbacca impression,
or so she says. We may need to take
her word on that one.) Pip is an amazing
girl who intends to help out the PUAC
whenever she can, planning events and
fundraisers. She would love to pose
with a vintage Bel-air, and gets her Marilyn style on with false eyelashes and
black Sharpie, which according to Pip
makes the best eyeliner!
Miss Bang Bang Betty is ready to pass
the award of the Diamond Dolls Inc. for
the tattooed beauty Crown: Miss Sweet
Annabella! (You should check out some
of this girl’s ink, its spectacular!) Miss
Sweet Annabella loves every variety
of pinups, from Betty Page to Bomber
girls and especially today’s modern pinup.! If you have a 1957 Candy apple
red Chevy pick-up, she is the model for
you. As an “Old soul” and the sister is a
U.S. Marine, she would love to take her
fancy hair and red lipstick to give back
to her community and be an inspiration
to all girls.
Miss Ginger Snap (Rockit Roost Queen
2012) takes the stage to crown the
much coveted title of 2013 Rockit Roost
Queen: Miss Raven Royal! Raven loves
to embrace Pinup in the true style of
Miss Betty Page, to accept women of
all shapes and sizes, Tall or short, fat or
thin, tattooed or not, she appreciates
that Pinup will have a place for all of us.
She will use her powers of eye liner to
encourage girls to “Just be you” and be
comfortable in their own skin. She is active in th HPP