Building Transformation articles Future Façades | Page 11

Why ‘ Strategic Façade Management™ ’?
Making the argument for a proactive maintenance programme – The 3 P ’ s
Why would you only maintain a third of the external building envelope i . e . glass , whilst the rest of façade and curtain walling turns green with algae , environmental pollution builds and the building envelope looks unbalanced ? Why allow façade weathering to build , weaken and breakdown the building skin , often creating problems beyond simple cleaning or repairs ?
Making a convincing argument does not simply come down to money . The façade plays a role in the presentation of the business within the building ; and it works hard to protect the function and condition of the building behind it , repelling water and damp , maintaining insulation properties and so on . So , it is helpful to consider all your own possible arguments for a proactive programme - and these come down to the 3P ’ s - Perception , Prevention and Preservation .
Time and time again we see the same issues , high-end commercial properties with pristine entrance areas , clean glass and as soon as you look up , it is a different story . Traditional procurement processes and maintenance budgeting does not always allow for the detail needed to protect the condition of external façades . As architects continue to push the boundaries in design and widen the use of material selection a traditional ‘ one size fits all ’ external procurement solution would seem devalue sustainability targets , material lifespan and architectural intent .
Under a strategic façade management programme the façade is proactively and holistically protected , inspected , weathering patterns recorded , material decay itemised , cleaning undertaken , protective coatings applied , minor repairs completed along with real life cycle maintenance costs created to ensure the correct budgets are allocated and action taken to protecting the external building skin , this helping the façade exceed life its expectancy and supporting clients commercial objectives .
This concept has been developed from assessing the condition of a large number of building façades within the commercial property sector , reviewing procurement / maintenance programmes and realising that many of the problems created could have easily been prevented through a more detailed and effective approach . As green building policies and the need for sustainable buildings continues to increase the need to proactively protect and manage building façades become more important .
1 . Perception
“ We want our buildings to support out tenants commercial objectives , we want our building to provide us with a return for the long-term ” - Land Securities , Property Manager
For many owners / managers , the key driving factor in maintenance cleaningis for perception . The visible outside of a building is the first impression an individual has of a business or operation . However , given that more detail was given to the procurement process , considering and combining the context of perception and ROI a more sustainable façade solution is already in place . With a more detailed understanding of the building façade we can design solutions that support sustainable targets .
2 . Prevention
“ In Europe , building cleaning is an essential part of the planned maintenance schedules with buildings generally cleaned every 2 years . It ’ s a cost that property owners prioritise to protect their investments .” - Dutch Façade Inspection Consultants
Regular cleaning and maintenance is the most cost-effective way of managing and maintaining a major asset ; it is more efficient and acts as an early warning system of any deficiency before it can grow into a major problem . Through regular inspections , we can provide clients with information to help them make informed decisions and mitigate against future repair and maintenance problems .
3 . Preservation
“ The windows on the building have been cleaned regularly but no-one has ever cleaned the cladding . Now we have the situation where organic growth is beginning to damage the window sills and we are having to replace the glass ” - UK Building Manager
Selective cleaning alone is not sufficient to prevent the deterioration of the building envelope . The build-up of organic matter can also be a problem , so applying protective coatings to the substrate can help to replenish the cladding surface and inhibit the regrowth of unwanted organic matter .
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