Building Transformation articles Future Façades | Page 10

STRATEGIC FAÇADE MANAGEMENT What is ‘Strategic Façade Management™’? Strategic façade management is a more holistic, proactive, client service driven solution specifically designed to support sustainability targets whilst helping commercial property owners, investors and managers to protect their property investments. It focuses primarily on proactively inspecting and managing in-situ building façades, assessing and protecting the condition throughout the external building skin, optimising each opportunity within a traditional cleaning and maintenance programme to take greater action and deliver greater value. As the level of construction investment grows, it’s never been so important to ensure that those in charge of managing buildings and budgets are aware of the external building fabric condition along with the associated risks of aggressive weathering, especially on tall buildings. Traditionally there is very little information provided to building owners and managers on the condition of their external façade unless they have specially asked for it. There is little understanding of how high level building materials and curtain walling weather and decay, material life expectancy is not always as it was initially intended with the reality and exposer to more constant or extreme weathering conditions reducing the performance and lifespan of the material. Without key information, understanding and valuing when to take action or make investments in preventative façadeinspections or maintenance becomes unconsidered and unclear, resulting in the external building skin and fabric seeing very little in the form of holistic inspections or action to maintain or prolong the performance of the substrate. The diagram below demonstrates the relationship between weathering patterns and the impact it plays on façade decay over time: utilised, retrofitted or managed to help deliver a more sustainable future. “A proactive and holistic solution for protecting façade performance and enhancing the lifespan of the existing built environment.” R. Wood, Building Transformation, 2015