News & Events
MTC seminar on Global Timber Industry
MTC gathers industry experts at seminar to examine current trends and developments for the
timber and timber products industry.
A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTOR to the national economy, the
Malaysian timber industry is thriving – for 2015, exports of timber
and timber products, including wooden and rattan furniture,
plywood and sawn timber, breached the RM22 billion mark, i.e.,
up 6.5% from RM20.5 billion in the preceding year. That, however,
was yesterday’s news - what of today and tomorrow? For sustainable
growth, particularly in a borderless international market, what has
the industry to contend with insofar as changes, challenges and
With the primary aim of (a) updating the industry on worldwide
trends and (b) providing a platform for networking and exchanging
of ideas and best practices, the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC)
recently convened a day-long Marketing Seminar themed “Current
Market Developments and Outlook for Malaysian Timber Products
and Furniture in China, India, Europe, Philippines, the Middle
East & USA”. Spanning these areas of interest and four continents
of the globe, MTC assembled an array of thought leaders/industry
exponents who shared their expertise in presentations on:
• “Current Global Economic Scenario” (Mr Donald Amstad,
Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Ltd)
• “China - Current Market Developments and Outlook for
Malaysian Timber Products and Furniture” (Mr Zhu Guangqian
, China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association,
• “India - Current Market Developments and Outlook for
Malaysian Timber Products and/or Furniture” (Ms Shital
Dhiren Thacker, Spacerite Furniture, India)
• “Europe - Current Market Developments and Outlook for
Malaysian Timber and Timber Products” (Mr Andre de
Boer, Secretary-General/MD of the European Timber Trade
Federation (ETTF))
• “Philippines - Current Market Developments and Outlook for
Malaysian Timber Products and/or Furniture” (Mr Nicolaas de
Lange, Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines)
Speaker from Philippines during his presentation, Mr Nicolaas de Lange (
Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines).
MTC’s CEO, Datuk Dr Abdul Rahim Nik (centre) standing with fellow
speakers during the seminar.
Datuk M Nagarajan, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Plantation
Industries and Commodities, Malaysia receiving a token of appreciation
from MTC CEO after officiating the event.
• “Middle East - Current Market Trends & Developments
for Timber Products and Furniture” (Mr Radhak