Building & Investment (Jul - Aug 2016) (Jul - Aug 2016) | Page 10
Project Highlight
The Face Platinum.
The Face Platinum.
Primer Garden Villas.
Univ 360 Place SoFo.
8 Building & Investment |
The Face Platinum.
Tanduk 5 Residences.
Seri Ampang.
Leisure Farm Sales Gallery.
paymaster be it from the private or the public
sector. It is important that fully-educated and
conversant private and government bodies or
individuals help raise awareness to the general
standard of design, thinking, criteria and
philosophy which in turn raises the general
public perception of what good design and
architecture is all about.
There are 11 award categories this year,
namely: single residential; multiple residential
(low rise); multiple residential (high rise);
industrial; adaptive re-use; interior design;
commercial (low rise); commercial (high
rise); commercial (mixed development);
collaboration; and special category.
Sitting on the panel of judges for 2016
are: Ar Mohd Zulhemlee An; Datuk Seri Ar
Lim Cheong Keat; Andra Matin; Assoc Dr Ar
Azizah Salim; and Rizalman Ibrahim. n
More information at