4 BuildersOutlook 2024Issue7
Ray Adauto
Executive Vice President El Paso Association of Builders
Politics and our industry intertwined
Having to deal with politics and politicians is getting more complicated and some say more frustrating every year . In our recent TAB meetings this topic was front and center due in large part to am changing statewide political move ousting incumbents or seeing incumbents leave the legislature .
At least thirty-four and as many as forty new legislators will invade the Capitol next session , and that means educating the newbies into the needs of housing in Texas . Many will be altruistic , blinded by the surroundings and the number of people seeking their newfound approval . Some will listen , and that is why we must be present and in front of them every day of the session . Our lobby team has a lot of work , even with the absence of Ned Munoz , an eighteen-year veteran of the lobby wars . A search is being conducted for the position . Ned is heading up the Texas Cable Providers Association . Our best wishes have been relayed to him .
Our upcoming Membership meeting will be timely . ( see ad in this issue ). The recent decision by President Biden not to run , coming a week after the near assassination of former President
Trump , doesn ’ t give anyone the warm fuzzies . Add Biden ’ s “ decision ” to not run , putting Harris in without a single vote , all shakes the confidence in the economy . Being in limbo as a country , and divided politically , doesn ’ t give us the resolve that we will be able to get out of this economic slump quickly . Inflation is killing the economy , confidence is low . And with the lack of confidence comes extremists . Our guests will be asked about how they see housing going forward . Should be interesting .
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