BuildersOutlook2024Issue7 | Page 3

EPAB President ’ sMessage

EPAB President ’ sMessage

BuildersOutlook 3

How numb we have become ?

Jaime Gonzalez
President El Paso Association of Builders
Is it me ? Or have we become desensitized to the events that unfold around us ? It seems like our senses get hit with news and information from all sides , constantly bombarded with unrelenting flashing lights , news , events , extreme weather announcements , war , assassination attempts , congressional hearings , black Friday sales , 4th of July fireworks , phone calls , texts , chat groups , social media postings , e-mail , spam mail , junk mail , voice mail , deadlines , bills , appointments , it doesn ’ t stop !
What happened ? When did we become addicted to everything ? I confess , I am guilty of being addicted to , and 100 % dependent on a device that does everything , including phone calls . To the point that I feel naked when I don ’ t have it with me . And now , just like in the movie , I can talk to it and the darn thing will answer me ! I am pro technology . To a certain extent . But I am more pro humanity . With the constant tsunami of information , it is easy to miss the importance and significance of events unfolding around us . Regardless of your political
affiliation , the events that have taken place in the past weeks are of historic importance . They will undoubtedly change our future . However , despite their implications , they are yesterday ’ s news . We move on from one subject to another like hummingbirds . We need to slow down and let things soak in . No matter what happens this November , the world will change . I truly hope the change is for the better . I know its not realistic for anyone who is active in society to unplug from the daily grind , and it is important to know what ’ s
going on in the world , if for no other reason , but to try and forecast what ’ s coming our way . But , we need to take the time to enjoy the things in life beyond the screen . Enjoy the beautiful things in life without rushing to capture them in a digital picture . To channel the movie “ Good Will Hunting ” we need to experience what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel . Every once in a while , let ’ s slow down , smell the roses and appreciate our blessings .