BTEC Media Studies Jun.2014 | Page 15

Chris Brown also pays homage to Michael Jackson in his video 'She Ain't You', this is an obvious homage as it says 'RIP' at the beginning of the video stating his respect, and also dedicating the song to Michael Jackson. However, another homage video, which is not as obvious as the Chris Brown video, is the track 'Walk' by the Foo Fighters. They have used a clear reference to the film 'Falling Down' to pay homage to the director Joel Schumacher. The video follows the same plot of the film about a man who goes crazy and starts attacking members of the public. This video therefore uses referencing to show their tribute to the film in a very obvious way.

Links to other artists

Chris brown makes no links to other artist in his song ‘Forever’ however there are a few songs where he makes links to Michael Jackson. His dance moves incorporate some of Michael Jackson’s infamous movies including the crotch grab, hat tip and more in music videos such as Fine China and Turn Up The Music. Watching these videos reminds the audience of Michael as Chris Brown replicates costumes, dance moves and scenes from Jackson’s videos like Smooth Criminal, Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough, Bad and Black and White.

Unit 29:

Music Video


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