BSO2122_MusicForMD_TourBook_v6_pagessm | Page 8

All performances of the Music for Maryland Tour , including education concerts , are available at no cost to our community .
This is made possible by generous sponsors and donors across the state who would like to spread the joy of music this summer .


The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is funded by operating grants from the Maryland State Arts Council , the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore , the Citizens of Baltimore County , the Montgomery County Government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County , the Maryland State Department of Education , and the Howard County Arts Council through a grant from the Howard County Government .


It is not too late to support Music for Maryland and bring the Baltimore Symphony to more cities , towns , and counties . To make a gift that brings music to communities across Maryland :
Text BSO to 24365 | GIVE ONLINE Or be on the lookout for opportunities to make a donation at our Music for Maryland concerts !