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BSHS 425 Week 3 Dream Agency Team Assignment
BSHS 425 Week 3 Dream Agency Team Assignment Proposal
Part II: Plan (Proposal)–Due in Week 3
As a team you will discuss, share ideas and exchange your individual
assignments from Week 2. After review, you will discuss and agree on
ONE Dream Agency out of your group and then develop a proposal.
A proposal or your plan, will include the type of agency it is, the need,
the population served, how many staff and the type, etc.
NOTE: Pretend that you are trying to approach a funder who has
money to give you for your Dream Agency, but they first want to know
what it is all about. This is where the plan or the proposal comes in.
Many other people in the community will also be trying to get this
money for their Dream Agency. Therefore, your agency must shine on
It must include all of the components listed below in Part II.
Discuss the following with the team:
§ What population would you like to serve?