Brooks and Company Vol 1 | Page 10

The Cleaning Shop

515 E . Taylor St Suite A Griffin , GA 30223 678-507-7895 Email : thecleaningshop @ me . com www . facebook . com / thecleaningshop
Local Griffin resident , Heath Bray , saw a need to help his community with the downturn of the economy . He came up with a creative way to help families save time and money on their household cleaning needs . Instead of making multiple trips to big box stores for cleaning supplies , he is offering bulk supplies at a wholesale rate to the public . In the fall of 2012 he opened The Cleaning Shop to service the needs of the community . This method of shopping does so many things for our community . By buying in bulk and reusing the containers you already have , you keep from filling up our landfills with more plastic . Also the five gallon buckets , once empty , are great for repurposing around the home . The savings incurred from purchasing in bulk are quite impressive . One benefit is the savings in gas and time from making the multiple trips to big box stores for smaller packages . Another benefit is the savings on the product itself . A recent independent analysis by local businessman Mark Rosenthal depicted a savings of about 70 % by buying your laundry detergent from The Cleaning Shop as opposed to buying it at a big box store . He was so impressed with these products he took it upon himself to create a YouTube video which you can view at www . youtube . com / watch ? v = jKkq2h8pFZc . The savings are similar across all product lines that The Cleaning Shop offers .
Current Price List Below : Laundry Detergents comparable to leading brands $ 25 for 5 Gallon . Free and Clear $ 30 for 5 Gallon Fabric Softener $ 30 for 5 Gallon Dish Detergent $ 30 for 5 Gallon Auto Dish Detergent $ 35 for 5 Gallon Multipurpose Cleaners / Carpet Cleaners $ 30 for 5 gallons Degreaserx2 $ 30 for 5 Gallon Waxy Car Wash $ 45 for 5 Gallon Big Rig Wash / House wash $ 30 5 Gallon
*** Stop by The Cleaning Shop today and mention this magazine article and benefit from an extra 10 % savings on top of the great prices you see above .***