Brooks and Company 4th Qtr 2016 4th Qtr 2016 | Page 5
Christy’s Views
Why Network?
Let's start with the definition
Interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career.
Are you networking? If not why? You should be! Networking is the best way to grow your business and gain a few friends along the
I think most people don't understand how to network. They don't do it correctly and it fails. I recently had a lengthy
conversation with a friend who is a member of a women's networking group. A very large established networking group. During that
conversation she invited me to attend and be a guest speaker. I asked her how many of the members do business with her. Her
response was shocking. She could only name 2 out of 30-40 women. As you can imagine, I was scratching my head and a bit
confused. Who wants to join a networking group where even the people you are "networking" with don't use your service? If they
aren't using your services, why would you assume they are referring your services to others...??? Hum... That's what networking is
In order to successfully network, you yourself have to commit to the group you are choosing to network with. In turn the
group has to commit to you! If that doesn't happen what's the point of the group. Why not just say it's a ladies evening out for or better yet, why not just go home to the hubby and kids?
So for those of you out there who are a part of a "networking group"
It works like this:
You patronize the businesses of your group members.
You refer your friends, family and clients to patronize the businesses of your group members.
You share contacts with your group members.
You bring at least 3 referrals with you to your networking meetings.
If you aren't doing those things then you aren't being an effective member of your networking group. If you aren't willing to truly
network, why are you wasting your time with the group? Better yet, why are you wasting the group’s time?
Well, that's my soapbox for today. Happy Networking!
Christy’s Views
I truly believe (good) friendships are extremely important. True friends are the family that you chose (not just the one you
got stuck We need these people in our lives for emotional support and stability. These are the people that we
share our smiles and our tears with. They are the people you can share your problems with, without fear of judgment,
ridicule or gossip.
However friendship is a two way street. It's not healthy to nurture friendships that are emotionally draining or one sided.
Friends support each other’s dreams and goals. They do not only call when THEY are in need or only when THEY are
lonely. They call when they think YOU are in need or YOU are lonely!
The truest and best of friends also do not HAVE to call every day. I've got a few friends that I don't speak to even monthly
but we have a mutual understanding that even though life can get in the way, we know we are always there for each other.
They are my most special true friendships. Those type of friendships are true gems!
Friends also respect the relationship of the spouse and children in your family. They do not expect to be placed in front of
your spouse or children. They will treat your spouse and children with the respect that they treat their own.
So take a moment and evaluate YOURSELF. Are you a good friend? If the answer is no, ask yourself why? What can
you do to improve your friendships?
If the answer is yes, then I suggest you evaluate your friendships and ask yourself which ones are healthy for you and
which ones are not. Clean out your inner circle and only surround yourself with good friendships. Life is too short to
devote any time to bad friends. That time is needed for your true friends, spouse and children.