Brooks and Company 4th Qtr 2016 4th Qtr 2016 | Page 3

Love Yourself Most Romantic Gestures I've been taking a poll of women on social media and out and about. I must say I was not at all surprised at what most women consider romantic gestures. I can say I think most men will be! So for those men, HERE'S YOUR GUIDE! After two months of polling, I did not have one woman say that expensive gifts are a romantic gesture! The vast majority wanted quality time, conversation and minor gestures. I say this doesn't surprise me because I have stressed this to my husband for years. I much prefer the handmade cards from him over store bought. I prefer flowers picked randomly from the garden over to a dozen store bought. I prefer snuggling and conversation to expensive dinners. As it turns out most other women do too! Women really aren't as hard to satisfy as most men think. It's a matter of listening to your partner and gaining an understanding of the minor gestures that they appreciate the most. Below I will list some of the results from my poll. What Women Want: 1. Open doors for her (all the time) 2. Pick flowers from the garden (randomly, weekly) 3. Conversation (daily) 4. Leave love notes (my husband does this daily, on sticky notes left randomly around the house) 5. Cook together 6. Dinner and a movie at home 7. Draw her bath, put rose petals and essential oils in the water for her 8. Start a fire, light some candles and snuggle 9. Bring her favorite candy bar home for her 10. Make her breakfast in bed 11. Make her coffee 12. Write her a poem 13. Burn her a CD of love songs 14. Give her a body massage 15. Prepare strawberries and chocolate 16. Surprise her with a romantic candle lit dinner 17. Keep a journal together, each of you write in it when you get in bed at night 18. Make her a photo scrapbook 19. Slow dance to romantic music 20. Make a list of everything you love about her 21. Take a picnic and a bottle of wine outside and star gaze 22. Ask how her day was 23. Kiss her every time you enter and leave the room 24. Say I love you randomly and often 25. Clean the house and leave flowers on her pillow These are just a few things that cost nothing but mean the world! Anyone can do these things. I am proud to say that all of the above my husband and I practice and we have a stronger marriage for it!